The odd case of Berlusconi and the underage Phoenicians

The video showing Silvio Berlusconi as he presents a Phoenician tomb found in his villa’s park to school group from Olbia is a an extraordinary document, for two reasons. The first is the one explained by Pablo Sole in his story; it’s a candid confession of a illicit act that, according to the ex premier himself, could still be ongoing. Berlusconi tell the students that the necklaces that were decorating the corpses have been “saved”. The second one is that the video published yesterday by Sardinia Post has been available on photographer Antonello Zappadu’s website since last December, four months ago, but no one seemed to have noticed it before us. Be it the news media, or the authorities responsible for the protection of archeological goods, or the judiciary.

Yet, this is a relevant scoop, in media terms. It’s the kind of news that ticks all of the boxes of “what is newsworthy”. Tasty news. The chance that Berlusconi coiuld get in trouble yet again, this time because of two Phoenicians minors, is the perfect intersection point between Greek tragedy and Italian style comedy. Bound to make the whole planet roll around the floor laughing.

And in the eyes of the overseeing authorities, this news speaks of a crime. It’s possible that, behind the courtains, some investigations might have been taking place already. If that’s the case, it would be good to make sure the public is informed. But, as is it fair to assume, nothing has been done yet, what would the authorities need to see to take action? Antonello Zappadu is an internationally renewed photojournalist – especially thanks to his reports from Villa Certosa – and his website is extremely popular. Is it possible that this information of this magnitude has not been shared with the carabinieri unit dedicated to the protection of the archeological and cultural heritage? Berlusconi tells the story of an important finding, both for the quality of the items he talks about, and their retrieval in the north of Sardinia.

We can only wait for answers. The first of which should come from Silvio Berlusconi himself. Who, just yesterday, after meeting with the head of State, has felt the need to give the public a lesson in democracy. A concept that should have, at its core, the principle of the equality of every citizen in the eyes of the law.



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